082. I Am Woman with Karina Pacific


Karina Pacific

Author, Realtor, Mom, Friend, Human!

Choosing Magic

I aimed to write a story about a fatherless girl, a broken heart and a mother with few answers only to realize God had other plans. This is indeed that story filled with angels and humanity along with way.

Karina was so fun to record with. She’s such a positive person, it’s difficult not to feel happy when talking with her. I love where our conversation ended up. Trust yourself. Listen to yourself. Call it intuition, gut instinct, or a higher power. Listen to it. If something feels off, listen to that. Lean into it. Like Karina said, don’t try to ignore it, but don’t necessarily try to fix it or name it. Just lean in to it. It will lead you where you need to go if you keep listening and leaning in.

Sometimes it’s hard to listen to yourself. You get in your own way. Get out of your way! Lean in and let yourself lead. You are Woman. And that is a powerful thing.

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083. A Week Break


081. Spencer and Kayleen Johnson